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Quilters the Musical

When my grandma first told be about Quilters, I will admit, I thought it sounded extremely boring. It was about girls who lived on the prarie that made quilts. I was expecting the very worst. Now, after seeing what it was really about, my perspective on the musical is entirely different. In the beginning, I was sort of confused on what was going on. A couple minutes in though, I started to think hey, maybe this wont be so bad. I never expected it to be as intriguing as it was. What really surprised me was that there were only twelve girls acting in the play. There were male roles in the play, but they were filled in with girls who I think did a fantastic job impersonating a man. What they did, was they had sixteen small quilts with beautiful designs on them, and they named each one. They created stories about their life on the prarie and the hardships of living back then. It wasn't all bad things though, there were a lot of fun quilts also. For example, there was one quilt that they named rebelion, and then they showed a bunch of girls in a school house tugging at eachothers braids. I loved how the actresses added humor into the show effortlessly. It amazed me how well memorized they all were, like every word was precisely etched into their brains, just waiting to flow out.

My absolute favorite part about this show was the music. Although there was only twelve girls, the sound they produced was astonishing. It sounded as if there was an entire choir right in front of me. Even when there was a solo, the energy coming off of the person filled the room. I loved the tight cords that they sang, and all the beautiful harmonization that they made look so easy. They all had beautiful voices when they sang alone, but when they sang together it felt like a big wall of sound smacks you right in the face, and it felt amazing. I was also extremely impressed with how they made things up. There were no props, besides the quilts themselves and a couple of stools, and the only thing on stage were about 7 or 8 little platforms. In order to do something like that, you would have to have an extreme amount of imagination. There was one point where they had to act like a covered wagon, and they all huddled together and started moving, and it honestly did look like a covered wagon.

What really surprised me was for such a small cast, the performace was just as good as plays with hundreds of people on stage. I think what really made the performane amazing was how much raw emotion that was put into every single word that came out of their mouths. Everything they said was crisp, clear, and dripping with emotion. It felt real, and I felt like they were speaking directly towards me. I really hope that these girls keep with performing, because they were simply astonishing. It felt like I was at a five star broadway performance with the way they were performing. I loved the way that they made me feel like I was the only one in the audiance, and they made me feel like they were really trying to impress me with their talents and skills.

I undertand that Quilters doesn't sound like the most exciting way to spend your Saturday afternoon. I mean its a three hour long play about quilting, how good could it honestly be? I asked myself these things too, it's okay. I was weary that it might just be a waste of money and time. Although some people may disagree, I thought it was a wonderful way to spend time with my Granmda, and to really enjoy a good performance. If there is one thing that I really learned from this performance, it is that you can't judge a book by its cover, or in this case, you can't judge a play by its description. If I had not seen this play, I would still be thinking that it would just be a waste of time, but I could not have been more wrong.

This play kind of opened my eyes to all the amazing things going on all around me that do not get enough recognition. It sounds cheesy, but the little play really showed me that small performances can be just as good, if not better, than big, fancy, expensive performances. Like church choirs, my church has an amazing choir that really should get a lot more appreciation.

This is by far one of my favorite local performaces that I have seen. If you like emotional performaces with amazing people, I would highly suggest seeing this play. The story plot takes you on an emotional roller coaster, sending you from almost crying to laughing so hard your side hurts. It is honestly very amazing what affect a performance like this has on you. It will send you on a journey, and teach you things that you had no idea that it was actually going on in times like those. Although it is now one of my favorites, there were some small parts that could be improved. I think that there were some boring parts in the plot, but that is my opinion. I noticed for a few seconds that someone would forget something, but they always quickly recovered and made it barely noticable. My overall rating was probably a four out of five. I would highly suggest seeing this play. It was a very reasonable price, and I promise you will not be dissapointed.

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